Movella DOT Developers Conference

Join the Movella DOT Developers Conference 2023
To celebrate innovative achievements and to share valuable insights from our customers, we organized the second Movella DOT Developers Conference.
We shared exciting stories from our partners and customers and shared how Movella DOT can help to make your dream a reality. The conference concluded with a live discussion featuring a panel of customers and experts.
We invite you to view the full agenda and speaker information.
The conference took place June 20 & 21, 2023.

About the Movella DOT Developer Conference
For whom is this conference?
If you are a developer researching wearable solutions to translate 3D motion data into a valuable app, the conference is a great space to get new insights into this field. You can now watch the recording of the conference below
When was the conference?
It was a two-day conference taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20 and 21, 2023. Check out the agenda for more details on the sessions, keynotes, and panel discussion.
Where can I find more information?
You can find more information on the agenda and speaker page.