The English Institute of Sport has been
an Xsens
customer since 2013 and its core goal is to improve performance through science,
and technology – and Xsens plays an important part in that mix. It uses Xsens MVN suits and motion data to gauge performance and ability as some of the world’s most prestigious events, including the Olympics.
What’s really exciting for EIS is that the technology has liberated the team from the laboratory: they can take Xsens anywhere and capture in situ. Whether monitoring an athlete rowing out on water or skating on ice, their movements can be captured. Essentially, the MVN BIOMECH is the institute’s portable motion lab.
Currently, the EIS biomechanics team is taking full advantage of Xsens’ MVN beta in preparation for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea.

Liam Sanders, Technical Lead at the English Institute of Sport:
“The new release of this software has eradicated the problems with magnetic interference, which opens up a whole number of new possibilities for us."
"Historically, we would calibrate an athlete to combat magnetic interference – but that has now been eliminated, making for a much easier process."
“This new update adds total confidence to the data that we’re being given. That’s just the world we live in:
electricity and technology all around us. With the new system, however, those issues aren’t a consideration."
“Xsens has increased the reliability and accuracy of its results tenfold. It’s really exciting – the data we can collect and the advice we can give off the back of it will take EIS to entirely new places.”
Choose Your Engine!
Our revolutionary new motion capture engine will make Xsens’ motion capture solutions immune to magnetic distortion and prevent body segment drift. It is time to choose your engine.
Xsens MVN Road Tour
To give you first-hand experience with the new engine, you can join the Xsens MVN Road Tour.
Check out another Xsens Beta User story by the University of Calgary.
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