Curious to find out how you can integrate Xsens Sirius into your current and future projects?
Get Sirius about inertial sensing in the most challenging environments
Introducing our most advanced series
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Enabling true autonomy in harsh environments
Achieving autonomy in harsh environments requires more than just basic inertial sensing. It demands a new level of accuracy, reliability, and robustness. You need sensors that can perform in unpredictable terrain, enduring extreme temperatures, and operating flawlessly amidst intense vibration and shock. That's where the Xsens Sirius comes in. Our new series is purpose-built to deliver consistent performance, providing the critical foundation for autonomous systems operating in the most demanding conditions.

Engineered to overcome harsh conditions
Robust accuracy
Accurate orientation data, supporting navigation everywhere, thanks to the dual-processor design.

Vibration- and shock-rejecting signal pipeline
Accurate measurements even in extreme vibration conditions, supported by analog filtering.
Rugged and reliable
MIL-standard IP68 housing, resistant temperature extremes, humidity, salt spray, sand & dust, shock & vibration, and electromagnetic interference.
Magnetic immunity
Exceptional resistance against magnetic disturbances thanks to advanced magnetic models.
Compact plug-and-play, comprehensive software suite, user-friendly SDK, and seamless integration. Backed by a strong partner network (NVIDIA, HESAI, ROS, Matlab, and more).
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Xsens Sirius IMU
High-performance Strapdown Integration (SDI) delivering accurate, calibrated, inertial sensor data, including angular velocity, acceleration, and magnetic field data.
Xsens Sirius VRU
Reliable 3D orientation tracking achieving exceptional accuracy levels with high-quality calibrated roll, pitch, and (unreferenced) yaw data.
Xsens Sirius AHRS
Unrivaled heading accuracy with drift-free roll, pitch, and true-north-referenced yaw, providing heading accuracy <1° RMS.

Sensor fusion performance
- Accelerometer Calibrated
- Gyroscope Calibrated
- Strapdown Integration(SDI) Yes
Sensing components
- Gyroscope
- Standard full range ± 300 º/s
- In-run bias stability 7 º/h
- Bandwidth (-3dB) 400 Hz
- Noise density 0.003 º/s/√Hz
- Accelerometer
- Standard full range: ± 8 g
- In-run bias stability 15 μg
- Bandwidth (-3dB): 470 Hz
- Noise density: 15 μg/√Hz
- Magnetometer
- Standard full range ± 8 G
- Total RMS noise 1 mG
- Non-linearity 0.2%
- Resolution 0.25 mG
System specifications
- Mechanical
- IP-rating (equivalent) IP68
- Operating temperature -40 to +85 ºC
- Casing material Aluminum
- Mounting orientation No restriction, full 360º in all axes
- Connector Main: ODU (AMC HD 12 pins)
- Weight 78.5 grams
- Certifications CE, FCC, RoHS, MIL-STD-202,ITAR free
- Electrical
- Input voltage 4.5 to 24 V
- Power consumption (typ.) <1W
- Interfaces / IO
- Interfaces RS232, RS422, CAN
- Protocols Xbus, ASCII (NMEA), CAN
- Clock drift 10 ppm (or external)
- Output frequency Up to 400Hz
- Built-in-self test Gyr, Acc, Mag
Sensor fusion performance
- Roll, Pitch 0.2 º RMS
- Yaw/Heading Unreferenced, low drift
- Strapdown Integration(SDI) Yes
Sensing components
- Gyroscope
- Standard full range ± 300 º/s
- In-run bias stability 7 º/h
- Bandwidth (-3dB) 400 Hz
- Noise density 0.003 º/s/√Hz
- Accelerometer
- Standard full range: ± 8 g
- In-run bias stability 15 μg
- Bandwidth (-3dB): 470 Hz
- Noise density: 15 μg/√Hz
- Magnetometer
- Standard full range ± 8 G
- Total RMS noise 1 mG
- Non-linearity 0.2%
- Resolution 0.25 mG
System specifications
- Mechanical
- IP-rating (equivalent) IP68
- Operating temperature -40 to +85 ºC
- Casing material Aluminum
- Mounting orientation No restriction, full 360º in all axes
- Dimensions 56.50 x 40.90 x 24.75 mm
- Connector Main: ODU (AMC HD 12 pins)
- Weight 78.5 grams
- Certifications CE, FCC, RoHS, MIL-STD-202,ITAR free
- Electrical
- Input voltage 4.5 to 24 V
- Power consumption (typ.) <1W
- Interfaces / IO
- Interfaces RS232, RS422, CAN
- Protocols Xbus, ASCII (NMEA), CAN
- Clock drift 10 ppm (or external)
- Output frequency Up to 400Hz
- Built-in-self test Gyr, Acc, Mag
Sensor fusion performance
- Roll, Pitch 0.2 º RMS
- Yaw/Heading <1 º RMS
- Strapdown Integration(SDI) Yes
Sensing components
- Gyroscope
- Standard full range ± 300 º/s
- In-run bias stability 7 º/h
- Bandwidth (-3dB) 400 Hz
- Noise density 0.003 º/s/√Hz
- Accelerometer
- Standard full range: ± 8 g
- In-run bias stability 15 μg
- Bandwidth (-3dB): 470 Hz
- Noise density: 15 μg/√Hz
- Magnetometer
- Standard full range ± 8 G
- Total RMS noise 1 mG
- Non-linearity 0.2%
- Resolution 0.25 mG
System specifications
- Mechanical
- IP-rating (equivalent) IP68
- Operating temperature -40 to +85 ºC
- Casing material Aluminum
- Mounting orientation No restriction, full 360º in all axes
- Dimensions 56.50 x 40.90 x 24.75 mm
- Connector Main: ODU (AMC HD 12 pins)
- Weight 78.5 grams
- Certifications CE, FCC, RoHS, MIL-STD-202,ITAR free
- Electrical
- Input voltage 4.5 to 24 V
- Power consumption (typ.) <1W
- Interfaces / IO
- Interfaces RS232, RS422, CAN
- Protocols Xbus, ASCII (NMEA), CAN
- Clock drift 10 ppm (or external)
- Output frequency Up to 400Hz
- Built-in-self test Gyr, Acc, Mag
Download detailed datasheets: Xsens Sirius IMU | Xsens Sirius VRU | Xsens Sirius AHRS
Ideal for demanding applications
Achieve precise navigation and stabilization for surface (buoys, vessels, platforms) and sub-surface robotics (ROVs and AUVs). Obtain reliable heading and roll/pitch data and support for bathymetry mapping.
Mobile robotics
Enable precise navigation for both indoor (AMRs/AGVs) and outdoor mobile robots operating in challenging environments.
Precision agriculture
Deliver accurate 3D orientation data for autonomous agriculture machinery and smaller mobile robotics to enhance navigation and control.
3D mapping and surveying
Support high-fidelity data capture and georeferencing for aerial, terrestrial, and subsea bathymetry mapping. Create accurate maps and 3D models using Sonar, LIDAR, and camera systems.
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